Friday, November 30, 2007


I've had to go out of order, due to Library Thing resting for 5 minutes. So, here we go on Tagging. I searched Kalmar, that's the first name in the title of my book "The Kalmar Nyckel - Johan's Honor". Google had 15,900,000. When I did Kalmar on the library search I got 1 (my book). My observations are that the EKU library doesn't have much in the way of titled books on the ship the Kalmar Nyckel. I do understand that I am a strange duck and my interest are very different from most people I know.

So, that's my thoughts on Tagging. Being someone that does research when I write historical fiction, tagging is very important. I've not been on the other end of tagging though. It certainly gives me a different insight into researching.

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